The laberinth of visas as a legal instrument of the european union. A pattern to avert by UNASUR


  • Antonio Muñoz Aunion Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Common visas, Migration control, Citizenship, Integration, UNASUR, European Union


It took thirty years before Europe was perceived as an entity with common external borders governed by laws on customs and personal surveillance regulated by an embryonic federal model still in progression bringing about a great visibility to the EU by the strong symbolism at the port of entry. This model for its rigidity and other shortcomings may not be appropriate for the Union of South American Nations, in a context that is varied but whose ideal of Union is nevertheless common, still it can be a useful tool to crack up the debate on integration by creating values   and common symbols clearing the path for in depth integration.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Aunion, A. (2013). The laberinth of visas as a legal instrument of the european union. A pattern to avert by UNASUR. Ciencia Jurídica, 2(4), 101–126.