About the Journal

I. CHARACTERISTICS AND OBJECTIVES. Juridical Science (CJ) is a printed and electronic scientific publication of semiannual periodicity, which deals with the study of all legal disciplines from a theoretical and practical perspective. It contains unpublished studies on any of the legal disciplines elaborated by national and foreign specialists. It is addressed to academics, lawyers and the public in general, so its distribution is free, with the aim of promoting debate in legal matters.

II. PERIODICITY. It is a biannual publication, which covers the periods January to June and July to December of each year.

III. ANNOUNCEMENT. National and foreign law scholars are invited to submit papers for publication in CJ, which may be incorporated into one of the following sections: a) Studies (refers to dogmatic studies that make scientific contributions to the areas of knowledge (B) Essays (works of a speculative character or that make proposals of an eminently practical nature); C) Comments (which may be to judgments, jurisprudence or bibliographical reviews).

IV. ORIGINALITY. Original and unpublished papers will be accepted on all legal disciplines. The official language of CJ is Spanish. Works that have already been published in other languages and translated for the first time into Spanish will be considered unpublished. The authors must inform if they have previously or simultaneously submitted their collaborations to another journal, as well as inform if this collaboration was accepted first in another publication.

V. RIGHTS. The authors retain the copyright and must provide in writing the authorization for the first publication, via a computer network and printed to Ciencia Juridica. Third parties are allowed to use the published information provided that the authorship of the work in question and the first publication in this journal are respected and made public.

VI. SELECTION OF WORK. The papers received will be reviewed by the Drafting Committee and submitted to an anonymous review system called "double blind", by academic peers of the Scientific Committee or external experts invited ad hoc.

VII. CORRESPONDENCE. The authors should send their contributions to the following address: Division of Law, Politics and Government, Calle Lascuráin de Retana, Number 5, second floor. Postal code (ZIP code) 36000, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico. Electronic Address (E-Mail): revistacienciajuridica@ugto.mx. Phones: 473 7 32 00 06, ext. 3099

VIII. EXCHANGE. Exchange of publications is accepted upon request.

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 23 (2023): enero-junio 2023
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